How Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality works in Digital Marketing?

Marko Bursać
3 min readMar 9, 2021

The times of doing marketing by offline means like banners and pamphlets have passed. It is because most of the businesses are looking to target the international markets, and this requires digital marketing of the latest forms.

Many things make digital marketing very efficient for everyone. However, two of them are VR-Virtual Reality and AR-Augmented Reality. Here we will discuss both of them and their influence on the world of digital marketing.

What is Virtual Reality-VR and its influence on Digital marketing?

Virtual Reality is a technology where the user is sent into the world of computer-generated graphics. It is done with the help of specialized glasses that provide a 3 Dimensional view of the place.

Although the user is present in this world, they have the experience of the world shown by the technology. In this way, the user is fully immersed in the virtual reality world, which helps provide the experience of the product you are selling.


One of the most popular and the most compelling examples of VR for digital marketing is providing virtual test drives. Many different companies are providing these services. Here the user can test drive the car and feel how it looks and feels to drive like from sitting inside the car without having to visit the dealership.

What is Augmented Reality-AR and its influence on Digital marketing?

Augmented Reality is a technology that utilizes the screen and camera of the device at the users’ end, and this is used to virtually show the product on their screen. Using this technology, the sellers can show how their product will look at different locations, and the buyers can see who the things will look at their place.


One of the best examples of using AR for digital marketing is in the furniture market. Different sellers use this technology to show people how different products will look in their place. It helps people see and buy things without having to visit the markets or shops.

Benefits of using technology for efficient digital marketing:

Using the latest technologies comes with betterment for every field where they are implemented. The same is the case when AR and VR are implemented for digital marketing. Here are some benefits of using these technologies for digital marketing.

1. People from different parts of the world can virtually try your product.

2. This way of marketing provides a better experience of the product before buying.

3. As people can experience things, the level of trust is increased a lot.

4. Technology helps in improving the overall sales.

These were some of the best benefits of using AR and VR for efficient digital marketing.

Final Thoughts:

It is essential to meet digital marketing standards with those of the present world of technology. VR and AR are the present-day technologies that are dominating the present-day world for most things.

Here we discussed their influence and working in digital marketing and how we can achieve a better world of digital marketing by using these technologies.

